
Destination London

Here are some photos of the Oxford School trip to London. Let me just say that we saw EVERYTHING! Well done to everyone for walking miles around town to soak up the sights. We even managed to go to the Christmas Market on the South Bank and walk all the way to the Globe Theatre and Tate Modern despite the drizzle . Not content with just walking during the day, we also hot footed it to the Old City on Saturday night to take part in a Walking Tour of the Ghosts of London.

London Cab 2011
On Sunday, those more dedicated to cultural enrichment spent the morning at the British Museum. Others, headed straight for the lights and sounds of Covent Garden, Longacre and Piccadilly.

For my part, I can say that I thoroughly enjoyed being back in my Home City, sipping pints (of Peroni can you believe it?) and taking in the chaotic atmosphere of pre - Christmas madness. I especially recommend seeing the "Enchanted Palace" installation at Kensington Palace, as well as a London Walks guided walking tour of the City. I had excellent Tapas in Neal's Street and dined in the crypt at St. Martin's in the Field. We actually ate good food, some typically traditional Fish&Chips and Sunday Roast. A good time was had by all. 

So, looking forward to the next trip.....why not join us?

Floating globes in St. Christopher's Place

Fountain in Trafalgar Square


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